Finnair ceo
Executive Board Members – Finnair
Executive Board Members – Finnair
3.10.2022 — Topi Manner. Chief Executive Officer. Topi Manner. b. 1974, M.Sc. (Econ), Finnair CEO as of 1 January 2019 ; Ole Orvér. Chief Commercial Officer.
Executive Board Members
Johtoryhmä – Finnair
Johtoryhmä – Finnair
Topi Manner. s. 1974, kauppatieteiden maisteri, Finnairin toimitusjohtaja 1.1.2019 alkaen. Manner on tehnyt pitkän uran Pohjois-Euroopan suurimman …
Company Management – Finnair
Company Management – Finnair
21.2.2022 — Mr. Topi Manner, M.Sc. (Econ.), b. 1974, has been the CEO of Finnair since 1 January 2019. Prior to joining Finnair, Manner had a long …
Finnair’s corporate structure Finnair’s core airline activities are operated in the Group’s parent company, Finnair Plc, whereas technical services, travel services (package tours), catering services and financial business services are run in wholly owned subsidiaries. Finnair business is considered
Topi Manner – President & CEO – Finnair – LinkedIn
Topi Manner · President & CEO of Finnair · Report · Report · Experience · Education · Organizations · Looking for career advice? · Others named Topi Manner …
Finnair CEO and key executive team –
Finnair’s Chief Executive Officer is Topi Manner. Finnair’s key executives include Topi Manner and 12 others. Topi Manner’s headshot.
Finnair – Wikipedia
In 1923, consul Bruno Lucander founded Finnair as Aero O/Y (Aero Ltd). The company code, “AY”, stands for Aero Osake-yhtiö (“yhtiö” means “company” in Finnish).
Topi Manner (@TopiManner) / Twitter
“We adapted to the reality of the Russian air space being closed, which means we will renew our strategy.” @Finnair CEO @TopiManner discusses his airline’s …
Finnair appoints Topi Manner as CEO – Cision News
Finnair appoints Topi Manner as CEO – Finnair
4.9.2018 — Finnair has appointed Topi Manner (MSc.Econ), born 1974, as Finnair CEO as of January 1, 2019. Manner has a long career in management …
Finnair has appointed Topi Manner (MSc.Econ), born 1974, as Finnair CEO as of January 1, 2019.
Nordea executive appointed as CEO of Finnair – Helsinki Times
Nordea executive appointed as CEO of Finnair
5.9.2018 — Topi Manner, the head of personal banking at Nordea, has been appointed as the successor of Pekka Vauramo as the CEO of Finnair.
Topi Manner, the head of personal banking at Nordea, will assume his duties at the helm of the majority state-owned airline on 1 January 2019.
Keywords: finnair ceo